The World s Greatest Jazz Band Plays Cole Porter and Rodgers and Hart feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Album Free Download

  • Title: The World s Greatest Jazz Band Plays Cole Porter and Rodgers and Hart feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr
  • Artist: Yank Lawson & Bob Haggart
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Total Track: 18
  • Release Date: January 1, 1998

Track List:


Love for Sale feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


All of You feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


It s All Right with Me feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Let s Do It Let s Fall in Love feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


I Concentrate on You feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Just One of Those things feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Mountain Greenery feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Have You Met Miss Jones feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Isn t It Romantic feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


My Funny Valentine feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Blue Room feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


You Took Advantage of Me feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Al Klink by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Anything Goes feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


It s D lovely feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


Rosalie feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


So in Love feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


You d Be so Nice to Come Home To feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart


From This Moment On feat John Best Carl Fontana George Masso Peanuts Hucko Ralph Sutton Gus Johnson Jr Tommy Newsom by Yank Lawson Bob Haggart
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