Stravinsky The Rake s Progress Album Free Download

  • Title: Stravinsky The Rake s Progress
  • Artist: Riccardo Chailly, Philip Langridge, Cathryn Pope, Samuel Ramey, Stafford Dean, London Sinfonietta Chorus & London Sinfonietta
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 29
  • Release Date: December 3, 1984

Track List:



The Rake s Progress Act I Scene 1 The old fool by Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act I Scene 2 With air commanding and weapon handy by London Sinfonietta Chorus London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act I Scene 2 Love too frequently betrayed by Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly Astrid Varnay


The Rake s Progress Act I Scene 2 The sun is bright the grass is green by Samuel Ramey London Sinfonietta Chorus London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly



The Rake s Progress Act II Scene 1 Vary the song O London change by Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act II Scene 1 I wish I were happy Master are you alone by Samuel Ramey Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act II Scene 2 Introduction How strange Although by Cathryn Pope London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act II Scene 3 As I was saying both brothers by Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly Sarah Walker


The Rake s Progress Act II Scene 3 My heart is cold I cannot weep by Philip Langridge Samuel Ramey London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 1 Aha He s here The auctioneer by London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly John Dobson


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 2 Prelude by London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 2 How dark and dreadful is this place by Philip Langridge Samuel Ramey London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 2 Very well then my dear and good Tom by Samuel Ramey Philip Langridge Cathryn Pope London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 2 I burn I burn I freeze by Samuel Ramey Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly


The Rake s Progress Act III Scene 3 Prepare yourselves heroic shades by Philip Langridge London Sinfonietta Chorus London Sinfonietta Riccardo Chailly
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