Ffrr Pioneers Vol 5 J S Bach St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Album Free Download

  • Title: Ffrr Pioneers Vol 5 J S Bach St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2
  • Artist: Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier & The Bach Choir
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 20
  • Release Date: September 30, 2020

Track List:


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Aria and Chorus Ah Now Is My Savior Gone by Reginald Jacques Kathleen Ferrier The Bach Choir The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus and They That Had Lain Hold How Falsely Doth the World Accuse by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative Yea Through Many False Witnesses by Reginald Jacques Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria He Hold His Peace Endure Endure by Reginald Jacques Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus and the High Priest Answered O Lord Who Dares to Smite Thee by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Henry Cummings Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Aria Have Mercy Lord on Me by Reginald Jacques Kathleen Ferrier The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Chorus Lamb of God by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus When the Morning Was Come by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Aria Give O Give Me Back My Lord by Reginald Jacques William Parsons The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria and They Took Counsel Commit Thy Way to Jesus by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Henry Cummings Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus Now at the Feast O Wondrous Love That Suffers This Correction by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Elsie Suddaby Henry Cummings Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria the Governor Said for Love My Saviour Now Is Dying by Reginald Jacques Elsie Suddaby Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus but They Cried out the More Saying by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Henry Cummings Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria O Gracious God If My Tears Be Unavailing by Reginald Jacques Kathleen Ferrier The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus Then the Soldiers of the Governor Took Jesus by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria Ah Golgotha Unhappy Golgotha See Ye by Reginald Jacques Kathleen Ferrier The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus Now from the Sixth Hour Be Near Me Lord When Dying and Behold by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir Henry Cummings Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Aria at Evening Hour of Calm and Peace Make Thee Clean My Heart from Sin by Reginald Jacques William Parsons


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and When Joseph Had Taken the Body by Reginald Jacques The Bach Choir The Jacques Orchestra


St Matthew Passion BWV 244 Pt 2 Recitative and Chorus and Now the Lords to Rest Is Laid in Tears of Grief Dear Lord We Leave Thee by Reginald Jacques Kathleen Ferrier The Bach Choir Elsie Suddaby Eric Greene The Jacques Orchestra
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