Britten Gloriana Dances Bliss Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks Holst Rig Veda Hymns Album Free Download

  • Title: Britten Gloriana Dances Bliss Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks Holst Rig Veda Hymns
  • Artist: Holst Singers & Hilary Davan Wetton
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 13
  • Release Date: August 1, 1988

Track List:


Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda III Op 26 No 3 H 99 I Hymn to the Dawn by Hilary Davan Wetton Thelma Owen Holst Singers


Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda III Op 26 No 3 H 99 II Hymn to the Waters by Holst Singers Hilary Davan Wetton Thelma Owen


Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda III Op 26 No 3 H 99 III Hymn to Vena The Sun Rising Through the Mist by Hilary Davan Wetton Holst Singers Thelma Owen


Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda III Op 26 No 3 H 99 IV Hymn of the Travellers by Hilary Davan Wetton Holst Singers Thelma Owen


Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks I The Shepherds Holyday by Hilary Davan Wetton Holst Orchestra Holst Singers



Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks III Pan s Saraband by Hilary Davan Wetton Holst Orchestra Judith Pearce


Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks IV Pan and Echo The Naiads Music by Holst Orchestra Holst Singers Judith Pearce Hilary Davan Wetton


Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks V The Pigeon Song by Shirley Minty Holst Orchestra Hilary Davan Wetton Judith Pearce


Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks VI The Song of the Reapers by Holst Orchestra Holst Singers Judith Pearce Hilary Davan Wetton


Pastoral Lie Strewn the White Flocks VII The Shepherd s Night Song by Hilary Davan Wetton Holst Singers Judith Pearce Holst Orchestra
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