Bliss Cello Concerto Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals Album Free Download

  • Title: Bliss Cello Concerto Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals
  • Artist: Arto Noras, Paavo Berglund & Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 13
  • Release Date: January 1, 1977

Track List:


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals I Overture by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals II The Street by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals III The Girl Suicide by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals IV The Young Lovers by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals V Discovery of the Suicide s Body by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals VI The Suicide s Body Brought In by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals VII The Stranger by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals VIII Dance of Deliverance by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals IX Intermezzo by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra


Suite from Miracle in the Gorbals X The Killing of the Stranger by Paavo Berglund Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
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