Patria feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton Album Free Download

  • Title: Patria feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton
  • Artist: R. Murray Schafe and Stuart Laughton
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 14
  • Release Date: April 1, 2000

Track List:


Isis Nephthys feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Amente Nufe feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Ariadne Awakens feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Ariadne s Dance feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Dance of the Bull feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Dance of the Night Insects feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Ariadne s Dream feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Sun Dance Labyrinth Dance feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


forest ambience feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Sun Father Earth Mother feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Clarinet Nocturne feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


Trumpet Aubade feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


forest ambience with Great Blue Heron taking flight feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer


The Princess s Aria feat Judy Loman Theodore Gentry Wendy Humphreys Beverley Johnston Tilly Kooyman Stuart Laughton by R Murray Schafer
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