Bach Christmas Oratorio Album Free Download

  • Title: Bach Christmas Oratorio
  • Artist: Karl Markus, Gerhard Wilhelm, Stuttgart 76 Ensemble, Krisztina Laki, Berthold Possemeyer, Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir & Gisela Pohl
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 65
  • Release Date: September 1, 2010

Track List:


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part I Chorale and Recitative Er ist auf Erden kommen arm Wer will die Liebe recht erhohn Soprano Bass by Berthold Possemeyer Gisela Pohl Gerhard Wilhelm Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir Krisztina Laki Karl Markus Stuttgart 76 Ensemble


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part II Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen Furchtet euch nicht Evangelist by Berthold Possemeyer Gisela Pohl Stuttgart 76 Ensemble Gerhard Wilhelm Karl Markus Krisztina Laki Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir



Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part IV Recitative with Chorale Immanuel o susses Wort Bass Soprano by Krisztina Laki Berthold Possemeyer Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir Gerhard Wilhelm Stuttgart 76 Ensemble Karl Markus Gisela Pohl


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part IV Recitative with Chorale Wohlan dein Name soll allein Soprano Bass by Karl Markus Stuttgart 76 Ensemble Krisztina Laki Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir Berthold Possemeyer Gisela Pohl Gerhard Wilhelm


Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 Part V Chorus and Recitative Wo ist der neugeborne Konig der Juden Alto Chorus by Karl Markus Stuttgart Hymnus Boys Choir Gisela Pohl Krisztina Laki Berthold Possemeyer Gerhard Wilhelm Stuttgart 76 Ensemble
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