Lidholm I A Dream Play is one of the gorgeous album of
Sten Wahlund Staffan Sandlund Nina Stemme Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Stockholm Henrik Westberg Anders Bergstrom Håkan Hagegård Curt Appelgren Lars Kullenbo Rolf Cederlof Adolf Fredrik Boys Choir Adolf Fredrik Girls Choir Arild Helleland Harriet Andersson Carina Jarlemark Ingrid Tobiasson Hillevi Martinpelto Stockholm Royal Philharmonic Choir Kjell Ingebretsen Carl Unander Scharin . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
September 1, 2010 and contains
23 tracks
of duration
2 hours, 17 minutes and 30 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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