Handel L allegro Il penseroso ed il moderato Tamerlano Ballet music from Alcina Il pastor fido Terpsichore Album Free Download

  • Title: Handel L allegro Il penseroso ed il moderato Tamerlano Ballet music from Alcina Il pastor fido Terpsichore
  • Artist: Derek Ragin, English Baroque Soloists, Jane Findlay, Jennifer Smith, John Eliot Gardiner, Maldwyn Davies, Marie McLaughlin, Martyn Hill, Michael Chance, Michael Ginn, Monteverdi Choir, Nancy Argenta, Nigel Robson, Patrizia Kwella, René Schirrer & Stephen Varcoe
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 121
  • Release Date: January 1, 2007

Track List:


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Hence loathed Melancholy by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Hence vain deluding joyes by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Come thou Goddess by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Marie McLaughlin


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Come rather Goddess by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Haste thee nymph by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Haste thee nymph by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir



L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Come pensive nun by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Come but keep thy wonted state Join with thee by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Hence loathed Melancholy And if I give thee honour due by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill Michael Ginn


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 First and chief on golden wing by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 If I give thee honour due by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Stephen Varcoe


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Oft on a plat of rising ground by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Far from all resort of Mirth by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Marie McLaughlin


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 If I give thee honour due by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Maldwyn Davies


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Straight mine eye by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Marie McLaughlin


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 1 Or let the merry bells And young and old come by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Michael Ginn Monteverdi Choir


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 Hence vain deluding joys by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 Thus night oft see me by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Patrizia Kwella



L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 There let Hymen oft appear by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Maldwyn Davies


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 Me when the sun begins to fling by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 I ll to the well trod stage anon by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 And ever against eating cares by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Marie McLaughlin


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 Orpheus self may heave his head by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Marie McLaughlin


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 These delights if thou canst give by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill Monteverdi Choir


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 But let my due feet never fail by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 There let the pealing organ blow And let their sweetness by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 2 May at last my weary age These pleasures Melancholy give by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 3 Hence boast not All this company serene by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir Stephen Varcoe


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 3 Come with gentle hand restrain by English Baroque Soloists Jennifer Smith John Eliot Gardiner


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 3 No more short life by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Martyn Hill


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 3 As steals the morn upon the night by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Maldwyn Davies Patrizia Kwella


L Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Part 3 Thy pleasures Moderation give by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir



Tamerlano Act 1 Forte e lieto a morte andrei Bajazet by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Nigel Robson


Tamerlano Act 1 Non si perda di vista il disperato Andronico Tamerlano by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner


Tamerlano Act 1 Vo dar pace a un alma altiera Tamerlano by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner


Tamerlano Act 1 Il Tartaro ama Asteria Andronico by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner


Tamerlano Act 1 Bella Asteria il tuo cor mi difenda Andronico by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner


Tamerlano Act 1 Non è più tempo Asteria Serve Asteria di prezzo Tamerlano Asteria by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Nancy Argenta


Tamerlano Act 1 Non ascolto più nulla Bajazet Andronico Asteria by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Nancy Argenta Nigel Robson


Tamerlano Act 1 Ciel e terra armi di sdegno Bajazet by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Nigel Robson


Tamerlano Act 1 Asteria non parlate Andronico Asteria by English Baroque Soloists John Eliot Gardiner Nancy Argenta



Tamerlano Act 1 Così la sposa il Tamerlano accoglie Irene Leone Andronico by English Baroque Soloists Jane Findlay John Eliot Gardiner René Schirrer


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