2012 Midwest Clinic Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble Album Free Download

  • Title: 2012 Midwest Clinic Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble
  • Artist: Rene Rosas, Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble, Reagan Phonsa & Jon Lee
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: May 7, 2013

Track List:


Czardas arr S Primatic for xylophone and percussion ensemble by Reagan Phonsa Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble Rene Rosas


Pictures at an Exhibition arr B Smith for percussion ensemble I Promenade by Rene Rosas Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble


Pictures at an Exhibition arr B Smith for percussion ensemble V Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks by Rene Rosas Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble


Pictures at an Exhibition arr B Smith for percussion ensemble IX The Hut of Baba Yaga by Rene Rosas Haltom High School Percussion Ensemble
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