Delius Cello Concerto Song of Farewell Album Free Download

  • Title: Delius Cello Concerto Song of Farewell
  • Artist: Jacqueline du Pré & Sir Malcolm Sargent
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 11
  • Release Date: January 1, 1965

Track List:


Songs of Farewell I How Sweet the Silent Backward Tracings Quieto molto tranquillo by Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malcolm Sargent


Songs of Farewell II I Stand As On Some Mighty Eagle s Beak Lento molto by Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malcolm Sargent


Songs of Farewell V Now Finale to the Shore Moderato con moto by Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malcolm Sargent
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